Friday, May 10, 2013


Mix a dab of Kierkegaard, a sliver Sartre, a pinch of Camus, with a dash of Hollinger, and portion of Chappelle. What do you get? You get NBA RAW's " The Existentialist." Henry Thoreau once said, "it is not what you look at, but what you see." The truth is definitely stranger than fiction. Our new feature column, explores the surreal, the sublime, and the absurd goings-on in the NBA

~This just in: Bernard King's Twitter "associate" is dating Manti Te'o "girlfriend." The wedding will be planned by  Mr. Roarke from Fantasy Island ~

~Come on Bernard, did you consult with A-Rod first before coming up with that one? Your defense of  that "story" was better than anything you did in your playing days~

~PS your "associate" was right. The "bad Melo" still haunts the Knicks with his iso-heavy, over-dribbling, ball-stopping ways. A great scorer is not the same  as being  a great player~

~ Forget about attacking the basket, posting up, taking the mid-range J over the off-balance contested long 2, or giving up the good shot for the better shot, JR Smith's answer to his abysmal shooting is to what? Keep shooting. Who are you taking advice from, NRA CEO, Wayne LaPierre?~

~ PS JR,the whole party like a rock star happens after you have won something. Yes, LeBron can go out and party, but guess what? You are not LeBron~

~ Speaking of JR, when did his dad become a shooting expert for the NBA?  That's it pop, tell your boy to just keep heaving up bricks.Great advice. Does the old adage, don't let your dentist do your taxes come to mind~

~ Is it me or should Blake Griffin spend less time on those cute Kia commercials, and more time working on his free throws, post offense, post defense, mid range game, rebounding etc.... You see where we are going~

~ Do you think Derrick Rose has ever see the video of 1970 game 7 finals of Wills Reed? If not, he should Either he is more hurt than we thought, or there are some serious mental toughness questions~

~ Speaking of the undermanned Chicago Bulls, is there a team playing with more heart, passion, and fortitude?~

~ Little Nate or Calvin Murphy? My money is Little Nate~

~ Can we all agree that Mike D'Antoni is one of the mots overrated  coaches in professional sports~

~ Hey Jordan Crawford, talkig trash to Melo about his wife is a classless as you can get. We will all monitor your game next year in the D league~

~ Sorry Bruce Bowen was on of the dirtiest players ever, and gets no respoect here-none.~ PS lose the cheesy  bow ties~

~ Shaq, you are on point with a lot of your analysis, but the world is tired of hearing your self congratulatory smugness. If you stayed in off season shape as much as you talk, may be you would have won a ring for the king huh?~

~ Amare, you are a true warrior, and even know you may not ever be the STAT of old, you get major dap here~

~ Love Baz Luhrman, but featuring Jay Z and hip hop in the Great Gatsby works as well as Eddy Curry and Zach Randolph on the Knicks~

~ Love Josh Smith, but giving his "max money" is about as bright as giving  Lindsy Lohan house sit for you~

~ David Stern, you can not fine me, but the NBA playoff officiating has sucked. From bad calls, to missed calls, to overall cluelessness, it gets lot of Donaghy suspicions up~

~ This just in: JR Smith has just missed another 10 straight shots, and dad says "that my boy!"

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